Meet our CEO & Lead Style Consultant:

Hi, I'm Mary Harris Jones, the Original Polished Diva.

I grew up in a family of fashion forward women. From an early age, I paid particular attention to my appearance and cultivated my own personal style. As I grew, so did my love for fashion and shopping. 

I kept a sharp eye on the flow of fashion cycles, and while other kids were spending their allowances on toys and candy, I was busy hunting for fashion treasures. I would pick up a bracelet here or a handbag there: all the perfect little additions needed to take an outfit to the next level. 

Over the years, my friends would ask me for styling advice: 

"Mary, I just met this guy and he invited me to dinner. What should I wear?"

"I've got an interview in an hour, there are fifty tops in my closet, and I can't figure out what to wear! Help!!!!!"

"I Just got this incredible promotion at work! What does a Senior Vice President wear on her first day?"

Fast forward to today: I run my own styling/personal shopping company and help women find their personal style. Real fashionable taste is about dressing in what works for you and your body, not for someone in a magazine. In the process of polishing your natural style you will not only discover how to be stylish, you will discover how to be yourself. 

Stylishly yours,

I believe that simplicity is elegance. For this reason, I only offer three different services designed to improve your life by eliminating the monumental stress of making decisions about what to wear. 

There are 3 ways that I help unlock the Polished Diva in you:

  1. Closet Edits
  2. Shopping Expedition Style Consultations
  3. Personal Shopping 

If you are ready to be a Polished Diva, push the button.